Featured Speakers at MCMA

Keynote Speakers

Joelle Pineau

School of Computer Science, McGill University, Canada

Machine Learning and Monte Carlo

Magdalena Bazalova-Carter

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Canada

Monte Carlo Methods in Radiotherapy Innovations

Jan Schuemann

Department of Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School, USA

Multiscale Treatment Planning Software

Plenary & Invited Speakers

Shirin Abbasinejad Enger

Department of Radiation Oncology, McGill University, Canada

Monte Carlo based Treatment Planning in Brachytherapy

Anna Celler

Department of Radiology, University of British Columbia, Canada

Monte Carlo Methods in Nuclear Medicine

Indrin Chetty

Department of Radiation Oncology, Henry Ford Health System, USA

Monte Carlo for External Photon and Electron Beam Dose Calculations in Radiotherapy

Issam El Naqa

Department or Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, USA

The Role of Monte Carlo Methods in Radiobiological Modelling of Radiotherapy Outcomes

Susanna Guatelli

Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia

Monte Carlo in Microdosimetry

Iwan Kawrakow

Senior Director of Science, ViewRay Incorporated, USA

Parallel Monte Carlo Implementations

Lydia Maigne

Health, Environment and Energy Department, University Clermont Auvergne, France

The Role of Monte Carlo in Medical Imaging

Alan Nahum

Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, UK

The Role of Monte Carlo Methods in Dosimetry

Brigitte Reniers

Department of Industrial Engineering, Hasselt University, Belgium

The Role of Monte Carlo in Source and Patient Characterization in Brachytherapy

Francesc Salvat

Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Barcelona, Spain

Monte Carlo Codes, Physics, and Data

Rowan Thomson

Department of Physics, Carleton University, Canada

Modelling Low-energy Electron Transport: Departures from Classical Monte Carlo

Javier Vijande

Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Valencia, Spain

The Role of Monte Carlo in the Validation and Commissioning of Advanced Dose Calculation Algorithms

Dr. Pineau’s Website

Dr. Bazalova-Carter’s Website

Dr. Schuemann’s Website

Dr. Abbasinejad Enger’s Website

Dr. El Naqa’s Website

Dr. Celler’s Website

Dr. Chetty’s Website

Dr. Guatelli’s Website

Dr. Maigne’s Website

Dr. Nahum’s Website

Dr. Reniers’s Website

Dr. Salvat’s Website

Dr. Thomson’s Website

Dr. Vijande’s Website